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Innovative TCM Qinwei Granules Approved for Marketing by China NMPA

CCFDIE| Updated: 2024-03-15


Recently, the Category 1.1 innovative traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Qinwei Granules of Chengdu Huaxi Natural Medicine Co Ltd was approved for marketing by the National Medical Products Administration.

Randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trials had been conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the medicine. The results showed that the group receiving the experimental medicine outperformed the placebo group in indicators including disappearance time and disappearance rate of joint pain.

This medication helps clear heat, remove dampness, dispel pathogenic wind, promote blood circulation, unblock meridians, and relieve pain. It is used for the treatment of acute gouty arthritis diagnosed as syndrome of wind and dampness transforming into heat with symptoms including joint pain, joint swelling, local joint fever and thirst. The marketing of this TCM provides another treatment option for patients with acute gouty arthritis.