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Innovative TCM Jiuwei Cough Syrup Approved for Marketing by China NMPA

CCFDIE| Updated: 2024-02-21


Recently, the Category 1.1 innovative traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Jiuwei Zhike Koufuye (cough syrup) of Zhuohe Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd was approved for marketing by China NMPA.

Randomized, double-blinded, placebo- and positive-controlled multicenter clinical trials had been conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the medicine. The results showed that the group receiving the experimental medicine outperformed the placebo group and was not inferior to the positive-controlled group in major indicators of cough disappearance rate and cough disappearance time.

This medicine, with its properties of clearing the lung and stopping a cough, is intended for the treatment of coughs in acute tracheitis and bronchitis diagnosed as wind-heat syndrome, a pattern of disharmony in TCM. The marketing of this TCM provides another treatment option for patients with a cough caused by acute tracheitis and bronchitis.